do not be captivated by anyone or anything
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Got the latest issue of WIRED from my boss the other day. One of the cover's title, "Time's Up, Einstein" caught my attention. Having been a physics aficionado (all right, call me a geek all you want, I don't care) back in my college days, I was naturally interested to know what those people in the upper echelion of human's intellectual realm is up to this time. To my surprise, the story is revolving around this 27-year old college dropout (who had been through a lot in his life apparently) by the name of Peter Lynds.

Lynds' paper "Time and Classical and Quantum Mechanics: Indeterminacy vs. Continuity" seeks to confront our perception of time again. According to Lynds, time is an illusion and the notion of divisible units of time (like chronons) would be absurd. Reality is made up of sequences of events happening in relation to one another.

Ironically, the biggest leaps in science came from how we have defined time. Believe me, we sure have come a long way. Newton required his definition of time to set the foundation of physics for five centuries. Einstein turned everything upside down by incorporating time into another dimension. Now we are being confronted with the notion of no such thing as time at all? Our mathematics will definitely crumble (and most probably go through hell too).

Simple isn't? If you want to make it big in the world of science, don't go with the flow. Go the big bang approach by shaking the very foundation of our modern scientific world. And how do we do that? Even simpler... proof dear Einstein wrong and you may well be on your way to international stardom. Probably a status symbol as sexy as Aerosmith himself.

And if he (Lynds) is right, the world might be revolving around him sooner than before he even knew it. Hmmm, time to pick up my physics book again... never know when that may come in handy in the future.

But one thing is highly plausible. Lynds may still be able to make a name for himself if his deal with Heide Lange, the literary agent for Dan Brown's successful Da Vinci Code, comes through.

WIRED June 2005

PS: In the meantime, probably I will try to contemplate on the theory of everything, holy grail of science......................... nah, dream on.
posted by Ericos

Perception in life is not defined by a long and continuous journey but rather a series of momentous singular events that shapes an individual's unique character. Each event gives rise to new perspectives, new fears, new strengths and even new ideals. By contemplating on the meaning of these events, I seek to expand my mind's vistas and thus becoming a better me.
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Name: Ericos
Location: Ampang, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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Why GREY? Why use grey for my blog's colour theme? I had wanted silver but it's kinda hard to get that on our monitor screens don't you think... :-) Anyway being grey is COOL. Neither black nor white but somewhere in between. Reflects my view of life perfectly and totally. There are no absolute rights or absolute wrongs, in other words, no absolute truths. Our perceptions are based on conditions and our actions are based on circumstances. But our life is not all that greeeeeeeeeeey right? Yup, that's right and this is where my photos, occasionally, will add the necessary dashes of colour to my blog. Just as how dull routines at work makes chance meetings with friends so cherishable, the greyishness of my design makes my photos so much more livelier.
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