do not be captivated by anyone or anything
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Read an article on Thursday, 9th June In Tech. Summarized points here:

Everything Bad Is Good For You
by Steven Johnson,
American pop science writer
Last Child In The Woods
by Richard Louv,
  • Johnson observed that modern computer games require concentration, forward planning, lateral thinking and sustained problem solving, thus offering a cognitive exercise for mental development.
  • Games like Sim City, Age of Empires and Civilisation provides great opportunities to see how the multitude of variables and social forces interact with each other to produce different or alternate outcomes of history.
  • IQ scores are increasing relentlessly over the past few generations. Simple answer from Johnson is that kids are able train their minds to be sharper than ever before.
  • An important part of intelligence is social network mapping. Shows like 24, The Sopranos, The Apprentice and Survivor have more complicated social interactions as compared to 70s and 80s shows like Dallas and The Dukes of Hazzard. For example, 24's intricate plot is enough to fire all the synapses in a child's mind. Watching The Apprentice brings about new ways to cope with real-life situations.
  • Hand-eye coordination gets improved too in the process when playing videogames.
  • Louv argues that modern children are too plugged into television and videogames, thus losing their connection to their natural world.
  • Television is not dumb, just that there's too much of it.
  • Too much electronic media creates a problem Louv called "nature-deficit disorder" where children becomes understimulated, overstressed and disconnected. Cultural autism.
  • Television and videogames does not provide the most condusive setting for leaning complex situations in the real world. Best place to learn is still in the playground.
posted by Ericos

Perception in life is not defined by a long and continuous journey but rather a series of momentous singular events that shapes an individual's unique character. Each event gives rise to new perspectives, new fears, new strengths and even new ideals. By contemplating on the meaning of these events, I seek to expand my mind's vistas and thus becoming a better me.
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Name: Ericos
Location: Ampang, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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Why GREY? Why use grey for my blog's colour theme? I had wanted silver but it's kinda hard to get that on our monitor screens don't you think... :-) Anyway being grey is COOL. Neither black nor white but somewhere in between. Reflects my view of life perfectly and totally. There are no absolute rights or absolute wrongs, in other words, no absolute truths. Our perceptions are based on conditions and our actions are based on circumstances. But our life is not all that greeeeeeeeeeey right? Yup, that's right and this is where my photos, occasionally, will add the necessary dashes of colour to my blog. Just as how dull routines at work makes chance meetings with friends so cherishable, the greyishness of my design makes my photos so much more livelier.
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