do not be captivated by anyone or anything
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Years ago, I was overjoyed when my father decided that we can have an encyclopedia collection for the family. I couldn't remember the collection's name now, but I do remember, vividly, many of the first-time-seen images that had made an impact on my young and impressionable life then.

And now, I remember about a particular one. A graphical illustration from the volume on psychology - science of the mind. It was an illustration of a young lady's different portrayals of herself as she assumes various roles in her life.

She was an obedient daughter, an agressive lover, an outspoken worker and a competitive friend. But as she was each one of these, she was also another. Another self, which she didn't and couldn't show to anyone else. An introverted self which she kept only to herself.

We all know this. About ourselves. Aren't we all just - to some extent - similar to this young lady? We project different facets of ourselves to different people that we interact with everyday. It's our way of getting what we desire, protecting ourselves from emotional hurt, asserting our influence at work and make ourselves liked (or hated) by the world. We manage our relationships and we do it around our true inner-self.

Our true inner-self is who we really are, defined by our temperament, reinforced by our beliefs and values.

Each portrayal has a distance from this inner-self of ours. The further the distance, the more extreme it is. Occasionally, we wonder how can a sweet looking girl who appears to be such a loving daugther to her father, can behave so maniacally in front of hundreds other vehicle drivers along the freeway. Many times, we also find ourselves in a conflicting situation where we are the rebellious child to our parents but a strict parent when in comes to our kids.

Because we manage each of our personalities, sometimes at great emotional costs, we should not let the distances be too great between our portrayals and our inner-self. We should always mindfully search for our center and subsequently seek to reduce the gaps with our portrayals. Reduction in distance can only be achieved by realigning our interval values with our external behaviors and actions.

Being 'true to yourself' is about re-aligning who ourselves really are with the myriad of personalities that we project to the people whom we care, whom we work with and whom we meet even when its only a brief acquaintance. Only when there's less conflict within ourselves can we then achieve real happiness.


posted by Ericos
Blogger multidimid The entity is the basic self, immortal, nonphysical and the individual is the portion of the whole self that you manage to express physically. There is one self, but within that self are many. There is one body, in one time, but the self has other bodies in other times. And all 'times' exist at once, i.e. simultaneously.

Each of you exists in other realities and other dimensions, and the self that you call yourself is but a small portion of your entire IDENTITY.

Within the self that you know is the prime identity, the WHOLE SELF. This whole self has lived many lives and adopted many personalities.

Personality may be somewhat molded by the circumstances that are created for it by the whole self but the prime identity uses the resulting experience.

You have constant contact with the other parts of your whole self, but your EGO is so focused upon physical reality and survival within it that you do not hear the inner voices.

You cannot objectify the inner portions of your own identity, and therefore you do not perceive them. So much of your energy is used in the physical productions that you cannot afford to perceive any reality but your own.

To perceive other realities, you have to use the Inner Senses -- methods of perception that belong to the inner self and operate whether or not we have a physical form
Saturday, July 30, 2005 6:36:00 PM
Blogger Ericos Thanks for the comment.

Hmm, seems I can read more from The Seth Pages.
Saturday, July 30, 2005 9:08:00 PM
Anonymous Anonymous Some says that we are like onions. You peel layers after layers away to get to the core, and you end up with nothing but tears.

I am sure that we maintain different personas in varying context with different audiences. Afterall, isn't role-playing what it is all about when Shakespeare calls the world a stage, and we are but the actors?

I am not too sure about the inner-self. Sometimes I think the superficial me is all that there is. I mean, take away my self portrayal as a student would really take a huge chunk of me away. Surely, we all rise to the occassion or pander to the crowd. Is there any conflict there?

Not if you keep your mistresses away from your wives.

Note that they are all in plural.

Have fun!

*focuses on minimizing gaps between various forms of self*


Tuesday, August 02, 2005 1:42:00 AM
Blogger Ericos You mean


Tuesday, August 02, 2005 10:50:00 AM
Anonymous Anonymous hahahahahaha


my bad.
Wednesday, August 03, 2005 3:19:00 AM

Perception in life is not defined by a long and continuous journey but rather a series of momentous singular events that shapes an individual's unique character. Each event gives rise to new perspectives, new fears, new strengths and even new ideals. By contemplating on the meaning of these events, I seek to expand my mind's vistas and thus becoming a better me.
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Name: Ericos
Location: Ampang, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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grey Matter
Why GREY? Why use grey for my blog's colour theme? I had wanted silver but it's kinda hard to get that on our monitor screens don't you think... :-) Anyway being grey is COOL. Neither black nor white but somewhere in between. Reflects my view of life perfectly and totally. There are no absolute rights or absolute wrongs, in other words, no absolute truths. Our perceptions are based on conditions and our actions are based on circumstances. But our life is not all that greeeeeeeeeeey right? Yup, that's right and this is where my photos, occasionally, will add the necessary dashes of colour to my blog. Just as how dull routines at work makes chance meetings with friends so cherishable, the greyishness of my design makes my photos so much more livelier.
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