do not be captivated by anyone or anything
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
This must be it! I have Aspergers! Just by reading the symptoms I could perform my own diagnosis already...

  • Struggles with creative expression.
    No doubt about this. I always have a tough time trying to string sentences together in the first place.
  • Are very intelligent but cannot perform well in social environments.
    Agree agree.
  • Very highly skilled in one or two areas. Will excel well in these skills and be treated like a savant.
    True true.
  • Difficulty in understanding other people's emotions and feelings.
    Damn. Explains why no girlfriend until now.
  • Unable to display emotions appropriately.
    I laugh (inside lar) when people loss their precious things.
  • Repetitive behaviors.
    Oh, this one is driving me insane already.
  • Sensitive to textures
    I fret whenever there's a crack or scratch on any kinds of surfaces. Drives me nuts.
  • Lack of ability to understand abstract concepts.
    No comprehendo. Talking to my boss at times is enough to put me through a weekend spasm.

Asperger's Syndrom is a form of autism, albeit a lesser form of it.

Yalah, this explains it all. I thought I was just dyslexic. I spelt 'cute' when I wanted 'quite' and spelt 'lough' when I wanted 'laugh'.

But deep down inside I knew there's something more. Something more sinister, more significant, more encompassing to explain my autistic behavior. Good, now I have the perfect excuse to account for my attitude during performance appraisals....


posted by Ericos
Blogger Ericos I should have typed 'ya lar'. That's what I really meant.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005 8:38:00 PM

Perception in life is not defined by a long and continuous journey but rather a series of momentous singular events that shapes an individual's unique character. Each event gives rise to new perspectives, new fears, new strengths and even new ideals. By contemplating on the meaning of these events, I seek to expand my mind's vistas and thus becoming a better me.
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Name: Ericos
Location: Ampang, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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grey Matter
Why GREY? Why use grey for my blog's colour theme? I had wanted silver but it's kinda hard to get that on our monitor screens don't you think... :-) Anyway being grey is COOL. Neither black nor white but somewhere in between. Reflects my view of life perfectly and totally. There are no absolute rights or absolute wrongs, in other words, no absolute truths. Our perceptions are based on conditions and our actions are based on circumstances. But our life is not all that greeeeeeeeeeey right? Yup, that's right and this is where my photos, occasionally, will add the necessary dashes of colour to my blog. Just as how dull routines at work makes chance meetings with friends so cherishable, the greyishness of my design makes my photos so much more livelier.
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